Tuesday, October 20, 2009

His Righteousness

I spent some time today reflecting on some of the things that He has done in the last few years... things I couldn't have even started to imagine. He has been so faithful and so abundantly gracious and merciful. Right now is a tough time financially for many including us. It can be stressful to an unhealthy level, so just taking the time to think about all the blessings He has poured out on me and how He has continually taken care of me has been such a blessing and encouragement today. I had a song stuck in my head all day today. It's a song called, "Perfect Peace" written by one of my favorite modern-day song writers--Laura Story. I'd encourage you to look up her music if you have a chance... great Biblical perspectives on life. Anyway, here are the lyrics...

Stay close by My side
Keep your eyes on Me
Though this life is hard
I will give you perfect peace

In this time of trial
Pain that no one sees
Trust Me when I say
I will give you perfect peace

And you'll never walk alone
And you'll never be in need
Though I may not calm the storms around you
You can hide in Me

Burdens that you bear
Offer no relief
Let Me bear your load
'Cause I will give you perfect peace

Stay close by My side
And you'll never walk alone
Keep your eyes on Me
And you'll never be in need
Though this life is hard
Know that I will always give you perfect peace
I will give you perfect peace

What a blessing it is to have people that have gone before us who have taken the time to think Biblical thoughts about the trials of life. Those words, "Stay close by My side, keep your eyes on Me" are so simple and yet so essential. As soon as I lose sight of Him and start to look to things on this earth, that is when I start seeing all my needs... the needs that He promises to meet.

I was reading through Romans 9 and 10 today and verses 1-3 of chapter 10 stuck out to me.
Brethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.

This passage was very much convicting. Within me, there is a great temptation to try to live righteously without subjecting myself to His perfect righteousness. The reality is that we can have as much zeal for righteous living as we can muster and that will not be enough. It is when we truly see that our righteousness is as filthy rags... and humble ourselves before Him that we can truly live righteous, God-glorifying lives.


Anonymous said...

I love that song! Sometimes we don't even realize when he has given us that perfect peace because it "surpasses all understanding." It is a just a wonderful feeling of being safe in His arms, safe in his righteousness.

Sarah Pena said...

Thank you Daniel! I needed this so much today! My famliy is going through tough financial times again and I was feeling depressed and worried but the words of that song really comforted me!


Daniel Osborne said...

Hey Sarah,

Hang in there! We are kind of in a similar situation. It is a great blessing knowing that He will always provide for our needs. He doesn't always tell us how He will do that, but He always comes through with His promises. I will be praying for you all as I remember.

God bless,
Daniel Osborne

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

'I find it is easy to live life and maintain a level of "goodness", but God has called us to press on! "Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life." -Jonathan Edwards'

Excellent quote from an excellent theologian.

Russ (via Blogger Next Blog)

Thanks, Daniel

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^