Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Long day, but a good one...

I played basketball this morning at 6 am. It was a lot of fun... winning more than losing is a bonus too. :) After I got back, we went to the park and played frisbee golf using poles and random objects as the "baskets." I spent a lot of good quality time talking with mom today, and that was a huge blessing. I really am enjoying reading Psalms right now. It has been a big blessing being able to spend more than normal amounts of time in the Word and in prayer. I had an important meeting today which went well. I am definitely learning to trust Him with everything. It seems like the more I trust Him with.... the more I realize I haven't been trusting Him with. I am so thankful for His faithfulness in drawing me to Himself. I was reminded again today that I need to be a godly leader even right now. Honestly, I naturally lean toward following. I have a hard time leading, but this is just another thing that I need to grow in. I have been meditating on Psalm 84 the last few days, and it has been very refreshing (especially the last couple of verses).

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